The 1970s as a women's era of emancipation shown through an extensive exhibition at the MUMOK.
Feminist Avantgarde of the 1970s
The MUMOK highlights the iconic and important era of the 1970s through a showcase of pieces from the Sammlung Verbund Collection, bringing to light the emancipation of women artists,
who for the first time in the history of art began to create their own
new and collective self-determined image. These women reflected on
stereotypical social expectations in their works, and their views and
art are highly relevant even today. The exhibition is divided into four
sections: breaking out of one-dimensional role ascriptions as mother,
housewife and wife, role-plays, the normativity of beauty, and female
sexuality, and is featuring 300 works by 48 artists from Europe and
North and South America. Definitely a must see summer exhibition!
until 3 September 2017
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna