Patricia Narbon @ Christoph Liebentritt
Patricia Narbon © Liebentritt Christoph

SHOW ANGEWANDTE 18 - The Islands Show

The SHOW ANGEWANDTE descended upon Vienna again, with flocks of people lining up to see the cream of the crop of the future Austrian fashion scene.  The Expedithalle was transformed into an urban and sleek lanscape, offsetting the fresh designs of the students, and inviting the audience for a unique experience.

The annual SHOW ANGEWANDTE is becoming more and more a refined matter as the years pass. With professional direction from Hussein Chalayan, the students, their collections, and the space, work together in unity to create a true experience for the audience.

Four reflecting metallic islands were floating on the floor, inviting the audience to bask in the student’s designs in a more conceptualised way, walking around and through, having a more sensual and close encounter. Enhancing the experience was also the musician and producer Ana Threat, who through her live sound performance uplifted the show to a different level.


Herta Bernane © Liebentritt Christoph


Frizzi Lange © Liebentritt Christoph


One of the graduates, Herta Bernane presented a feminie idea of dressing, with her long flowing tops and trousers, embodying a relaxed freedom of ease. All the while, Frizzi Lange put out stong colours and eye-catching patterns characterizing clothes for self-confident and cheeky women. The graduate Alissia-Lara Mayerhofer explored the idea of unisex clothing, designing with freedom of movement in mind, and looking for the sense of nonchalance. Additionally, lush embroidery pieces came from the hands of Patricia Narbon, showcasing opulency and a shimmering but quiet luxury.

Alissia Mayerhofer © Ostermann Nikolaus

Jennifer Milleder © Liebentritt Christoph

Nora Krepart © Liebentritt Christoph

Nora Krepart © Liebentritt Christoph


Out of the Awards recipients, Nora Krepart received the Rondo Fashion Award for her collection ‘flowerboy’, offering a modern interpretation of streetwear, including one-shoulder overalls and floral patterned Jacquard knit pieces in strong and joyful colours. The Fred Adlmüller scholarship went to two 3rd year students, Jennifer Milleder for her science fiction cowboy collection combining macramé with traditional American techniques, and Christoph Rumpf for his wonderful patterned mens collection.

Jennifer Milleder © Liebentritt Christoph

Jennifer Milleder © Liebentritt Christoph

Patricia Narbon © Liebentritt Christoph

Patricia Narbon © Liebentritt

It was yet another year of young talents making their way through their studies and potentially one day, making their way through the industry. The creatives involved in the show itself, as well as all the upcoming designers are becoming more and more refined in their styles and expressions, and a lot of potential can be sensed from every corner of the show hall. May the SHOW ANGEWANDTE keep growing, learning, and glowing with all the free creative expression.

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