Kohei Nishi, Foto: Luca Fuchs
Show Angewandte 2017, Mode: Kohei Nishi, Photo: Luca Fuchs

Show Angewandte 2017

The highlight of the graduate season in Austria, the Angewandte Show took to the Viennese Orangerie for a slice of the untamed.

Mila Petrova, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Mila Petrova, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Mila Petrova, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Mila Petrova, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Louise Streissler, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Louise Streissler, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Louise Streissler, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Louise Streissler, Photo: Shoji Fujii

The grandeur of the Angewandte annual Show speaks volumes about its greatness, be it in terms of raw talent or technical skill, and we, like so many others, flock to the performance every summer to discover the fresh and the upcoming from Vienna’s best fashion college. The Show 2017 took place in the stunning Orangerie Schönbrunn to a packed audience for both the evening’s shows, proving that the popularity of such trailblazing events is always on the rise, attracting visitors to experience a one of a kind presentation of young designers.

Federico Pretto, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Federico Pretto, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Federico Pretto, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Federico Pretto, Photo: Shoji Fujii

The evening featured the final collections of the eight final year students of Hussein Chalayan, alongside the collections of the further 29 students from all years. Exciting the crowd as always, the diploma collections lived up to their expectations. The special event was previewed through the wonderful photography of Luca Fuchs from the Angewandte’s department of photography, who shot the works of the eight diploma students, creating a stunning campaign for the Show itself.

Florian Buder, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Florian Buder, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Florian Buder, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Florian Buder, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Kohei Nishi, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Kohei Nishi, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Kohei Nishi, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Kohei Nishi, Photo: Shoji Fujii

We are always impressed by the ingenuity and vast variety of talent, application, and ideas at the Angewandte Show, and this year was no different. In his diploma collection "out of doors", Florian Buder processed his feelings, his thoughts and associations through the idea of homeland, exploring it within the context of migration. Dorothee Ganzinger used her "Clean & Clean" collection to delve into the meaningfulness of typical household utensils such as clothespins or washing nets. The title of Attila Lajos’ final collection "Paradise Lost" combined typical streetwear items such as boxer shorts with greatly cut shirts, jackets and capes made of partly floral fabrics hand-embroidered with pearls, crystals or sequins. Designer Kohei Nishi on the other hand showed a mostly black collection called "Playing Koheism - The Last". Noushin Redjaian concluded her studies at the Angewandte with softly colored and velvety pieces. And finally, Agnes Varnai, was concerned with man's passion for faith and ideology and presented a message of modern faith and its symbols in each of the outfits.

Agnes Varnai, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Agnes Varnai, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Agnes Varnai, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Agnes Varnai, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Christoph Tsetinis, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Christoph Tsetinis, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Christoph Tsetinis, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Christoph Tsetinis, Photo: Shoji Fujii

The Angewandte Show annually gives out a series of prizes, awarding the most brilliant shining stars. This year Mila Petrova, with her refined ladies' collection "OPEN / GIRLS", took home the Rondo Fashion Prize for her designs made for strong, self-confident women of all shapes and sizes. Federico Protto snagged the Indie magazine and Wien Mitte Awards for his "2017 non corporeal" collection which explored his native South America and played with the archetype of the Gauchos. Louise Streissler, received the Fred Adlmüller scholarship for her work called "COMMANDO", mixing masculine and feminine stereotypes.

Attila Lajos, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Attila Lajos, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Attila Lajos, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Attila Lajos, Photo: Shoji Fujii

Aside from the great output of the diploma students, we caught a very promising glimpse of the future of the Angewandte fashion department, as well as of the Austrian fashion scene through the final collections of the other students. The effect of Chalayan on the young aspiring designers is noticeable in the detailed professionalism and conceptuality of their work, and we are already looking forward to the time of the next Show!

Text: austrianfashion.net
Photos: Shoji Fujii, Luca Fuchs

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