Dalia Hassan ©Salvatore Dragone

Show Modeklasse 19

Hussein Chalayan’s Farewell Party - The department of fashion design at the University of Applied Arts Vienna invited the public to the Show Modeklasse.

After five years of leading the fashion class at the Angewandte, and skilfully balancing the artistically creative side of fashion with getting his students industry ready, the time has come for Hussein Chalayan’s last Angewandte Show. The two sold-out performances took place in the new home of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, promising many more visually arresting events to come. The students, alongside the eight graduates, presented countless outfits to the audience, following the beautifully designed runway. Taped in various colours, the lines on the floor reminded of a sports field which infinitely curved around the space, giving the models, and designs, a background pop of colour.

As every year, the young approaches to design, craftsmanship, and experimentation came through in many shapes and forms, proving the undying inspiration drive of the contemporary designers emerging from their schools. The vastly different ways of looking at creation and aesthetics are something which makes graduates shows like this one so exciting to witness. An endless amount of the new, beautiful, strange, and arresting is what drives the young fashion scene forward.

Photo gallery (click image to start slideshow)

Traditionally, the Angewandte Show gives out prestigious prizes to the students, supporting their further growth, but also recognising the best talents in the pool. This time around the Birkhäuser Prize was introduced for the first time, awarding the diploma student Dalia Hassan for her graduation collection ‘Sornaga - Business Casual’, which was heavily inspired by her family background and her queer feminist attitude. 

The jury of the RONDO Fashion Award powered by Steffl The Department Store and the jury of the Fred Adlmüller Scholarship were convinced by Louise Streissler’s diploma collection ‘This Could be Real’. Her pieces invite you to a romantically rural life amidst nature and the countryside.

University of Applied Arts Vienna

Text: Manuela Mitevova

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